What was (and is) UN Resolution 181 of 1947?

Articles and Resources on the "Partition Plan"

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Key Articles:

  1. Britannica: Overview of UN Resolution 181 A comprehensive article detailing the background, implications, and aftermath of UN Resolution 181.
  2. The Avalon Project: Full Text of UN Resolution 181 Provides the complete text of the resolution and outlines the legal provisions regarding the partition of Palestine.
  3. Just Vision: A Summary of UN Resolution 181 Offers a succinct summary of the partition plan, its global implications, and the responses from both Jewish and Arab leaders.
  4. United Nations: Official Document of Resolution 181 Access the original document outlining the UN General Assembly’s 1947 decision.
  5. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: 70 Years After UN Resolution 181 An analysis reflecting on the historical impact of the resolution and why it failed to resolve the conflict.